August already

It's August already. July just seems to have flown by to me, probably because I have spent most of the month thinking it was still June. No idea why, other than they both start with a J, but I don't usually get them confused.

Anyway, it has been an uneventful week. Claire has been at Uny, Nicky has been at work and I have been house husbanding. I had a shopping trip with Claire on Thursday - she was buying gifts for her and some of her friends at Whitcoulls to give one of the others in the team for her birthday. I haven't had a wander round the mall for ages, and I had a quick look at the progress with the new railway and bus stations in New Lynn. They are getting on well which is good as the official opening is in September.

On Thursday morning we woke to a splendid fog that it took the morning to burn off. Other than that it has been a week of sunshine and showers. It is still cold at the beginnings and ends of the day, but it's not bitter, and no visible frost. The lengthening of daylight hours is becoming more noticeable too.

Nicky and I have had another quiet weekend, enjoying watching Lewis on DVD which Nicky has borrowed from a friend at church. For those who don't know, Lewis is the Oxford detective series which follows on from Morse. For those who don't know Morse, there's always Google. We have also had another free trip to the cinema this afternoon; Nicky, Claire and Ryan went to see Twilight, which I wasn't bothered about so I saw Inception, which was quite interesting. Claire is stock taking at work this evening.

That's all for now. See you again next week.


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