Free Movie

Another quiet week draws to a close with a weekend of good weather and Nicky and I getting chance to spend some time together without Nicky worrying about Claire being on her own. Our weekends are now falling into a pattern of time to ourselves with Claire being at work all day Saturday, and usually with Ryan all day Sunday. I am starting to remember what life was like before Claire arrived.

Yesterday, while doing general house work pottering of laundry and making lemon curd, I transferred around 200 photographs from an old album which was falling apart to a new album which we were given before leaving England. I had dug out the old album because while having our 7am Saturday morning cup of tea in bed we got to discussing the two houses we had rented in Maidstone, just after we got married. Nicky had just finished her degree and I had finished my second year and was doing my year out at Kimberly-Clark. In order to refresh our memories I popped into the garage and retrieved the album. After transferring all the photos, we then went through and added captions, which was quite a test for our joint memories in terms of dates, places and names. However, in ten years time I suspect it would have been even more difficult.

Today we have been to the cinema for free. One of the big cinema chains has movie money. These are tokens which you buy for $120 for a book of ten (normal entry price is $15.50 so it is a good saving). We also collect FlyBuys with our supermarket shopping and some petrol purchases, and a couple of weeks ago our FlyBuys balance was enough to buy a book of movie money (its only taken us 3 years!). So, today the weather was forecast to be wet in the afternoon, so Nicky and I went for an early afternoon screening of "The girl who played with fire", the film of the second book of the Stig Larsson "Millenium" trilogy. The film was very good, though not for the faint hearted and it helped with both of us having the read the book as it was in Swedish with subtitles. And FYI, it didn't rain.

The rest of the week has been routine, with Claire back at Uny and on campus Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday, and Nicky at Ranui. Nicky has again spent quite a bit of time working at home in the evenings on the quiz's she is preparing for library week in August. I haven't had much Mac work so have been house husbanding and went swimming with Claire on Wednesday afternoon.

Bye for now,


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