February 7th

Another week and another post. It has been a quiet and largely sunny week. We started it with a public holiday - Auckland Anniversary Day. The weather wasn't great, cloudy and a bit of rain. Nicky and I pottered round the house, and I'm sure Claire and Ryan did something but I can't remember what (Claire may update this with some info here). Thanks to an anti-cyclone, the temperatures have been nudging the 30's in the later part of the week.

Nicky has been busy at work, I have had some Mac work, and Claire has been busy making sure the sofa still works. Life group started again on Wednesday for Nicky, and I joined a bunch of blokes for a beer at Barefoot in the Bay on Friday evening while Claire was at the cinema with Ryan (It's Complicated was the chosen flick).

Today we have had Mary Prebble (91), her youngest Kate (Nicky's age) and her partner Lynn over for lunch. Kate and Nicky knew each other as children, so it was good for them to catch up. It also gave me the chance to make a new pudding (lemon delicious), which turned out very well, along with the beef salad that Nicky made. They left mid-afternoon, Claire went off to Ryan's, so Nicky and I got some time to relax in the sunshine.

Bye for now,



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