September Special

Another week draws to a close, so time to update the blog. It has been quiet again.

I have had some work; on Tuesday evening I did a modelling job for a tutor I haven't worked with before. It went well so hopefully I will get some more work from him in the future. I have decided to do a September Special promotion for my massage at almost half-price, so distributed some leaflets round the cafés in Grey Lynn on Friday.

Claire has been working on assignments and making sure the sofa still works this week. To break up the monotony she had Wednesday with friends playing a range of games - Trivial Pursuit, Pictionary and the like, and eating pizza and other healthy foods. She is back at Uni next week.

Nicky has had another busy as ever week at Ranui, and had a quilting day yesterday.

Today has been Fathers Day, which is much bigger here than in the UK. Claire bought me a wonderful book about the history of Waitakere, the area where we live. The weather has also blessed us for the last few days with glorious warm sunshine, though the wind has been chilly. So, we had a walk to the beach at Green Bay (about 25mins) through the park with the pylon (see below) and just sat and enjoyed the peace and the sea for awhile. Steve and Ros came over for Scrabble, and Claire made banana muffins to follow our bruschetta for tea. Very scrummy.

I still have what I feel is a very English attitude to the sunshine. I feel compelled to take advantage of it just in case we don't get any more for ages. The fact that we have had three great days in a row and summer hasn't even started yet just doesn't seem to get on my radar. Eventually I might get used to it.

That's all for now, have a good week.



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