New Job

Thank you to you all for your congratulations.

I went at 10 today and was supposed to go over my contract etc. with Rich (Richard) and maybe do a bit of training. Instead, I read through my contract and then Dana trained me how to use the sales system because Rich was busy and Simon (the manager) was out/hadn't arrived yet (I'm not sure which).

So I worked with Dana on the counter from about 11 or 10.45 I guess until 12.30 and was serving customers, which was great, and using Courtney's ID for it because I don't have my own yet. I shelved books for a bit and then helped a customer find and order a book, with a bit of help from Simon who had arrived by then, til 1 when I went off with Dana and Tom (who were going to lunch).

Tom is from Scarborough, England, and moved to NZ a few years ago with his parents, I'd say he's between 20 and 22. Dana is one of those people who looks younger than she probably is, I'd peg her at about 25 or slightly older but she looks around 18. She's got engagment and wedding rings on her ring finger and lived in London for 2 years as part of her O.E. (Overseas Experience) during 9/11 and is head of Childrens Books. Courtney is 18 and is mainly in charge of booking in the stock etc. she works the same Friday evening shift as me so it'll be nice to recognise someone.

I had lunch with Dana, McDonalds (I'll admit it) a McChicken burger and small spite because I hadn't brought anything with me for lunch cause I didn't know how long I'd be there. We get 30 mins for lunch, yay I actually get a lunch break! Then I Rich went over my contract with me and I've brought it home to have another read through and initial the things I need to initial. I'm only getting the minimum wage but that's what I got at GHC so it's not a surprise. After going through that Rich decided it'd be a good time to get some training done, which was what I should have been doing in the morning with him but Dana did "on the spot" type training with me instead, whereas Rich did the "official" thing.

It got busier in the afternoon at times so Rich would go off to serve customers and Simon took over but occasionally went away too. I served a couple of people while everyone else was busy but was yawning a lot and couldn't really take in anymore information. I'd finished the first module of the training, there are three, and so I was allowed to go home. I bought myself a celebratory bottle of coke from Foodtown (a promise I made to myself last week if I got the job) and then attempted to find my way out of the Mall and to the Morningside train station.

The station is roughly a 10 minute walk from the Mall and I got the 4.17 train home, costing me $2.80, then got off at New Lynn where my mum met me.

It's been a busy and tiring day but I like the job, it's easy to pick up and the people are nice. That was probably more detail than any of you wanted to know but this way I don't have to keep repeating myself.


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