
 Summer has gone off in a huff this week. It has been significantly cooler, and wet and windy at times.

The kitchen has been working hard. On Monday while Nicky was at church doing the vestry cleaning, I made mince pies, shortbread and lemon curd. I rounded this off by making a smoked fish pie for dinner. It was Nicky’s turn on Tuesday - Christmas cake and more shortbread. Most of the mince pies and shortbread have now been given away. Some went to collection and delivery services (recycling, wheelie bins, DX Post and the lovely lady from Havoc coffee who delivers my pre-ground beans for free). Some also went to neighbours, our fellow quiz team members and some to visitors.

While Nicky was out and about on Monday she returned the hospital visiting bag to Diana, only to find friends of ours from Blockhouse Bay (Phil and Joanne) at her home. They called in on us later in the day for tea, and a catch up. Phil was a member of a Friday night group who used to meet up for a beer once a month. On Tuesday Cheryl and Doug called in. We have got to know them through the community meal at the marae. Doug also worked on the paddle steamer some years ago. Mince pies and shortbread were consumed. It was really good to talk to them without the background hubbub of noise.

I had my work Christmas Do on Tuesday evening - pizza and ten-pin bowling. The Pizza Hut pizza’s were already being eaten into when I arrived at just after 4.30, so I set about having my share. We split into two groups (there were nine of us) for the bowling. It took me the first game to remember how to bowl. I think this was only the third or fourth time I have done it. By the second game three of us had our eye in and we had a close contest, with me finishing second:

We all enjoyed it sufficiently that Jen (our Manager) is thinking of a “Round Two” in a couple of months.

Over the last four days I have done five sailings on the paddle steamer. We now have three days off before starting sailing six days a week on Boxing Day. If sailing goes to plan, that will take us through until the end of February. We will go down to five days a week in March.

Nicky had her last regular commitment for a while at the Community Library on Thursday. Some weeding has been managed but planning the laundry has been a bit of a challenge. Yesterday morning turned out much better than expected and she was pleased to get five loads washed and dried. I have refilled the laundry basket today with all my uniform items that need a wash.

We throughly enjoyed watching the concluding episodes of The Day of The Jackal and hope there is a second series. We have also both enjoyed reading The Dark Wives by Anne Cleeves.

Wednesday was our final Quiz of the year. Prizes for all sorts of things were handed out so that each team got something. We then discovered part way through round one that the quiz master wasn’t going to do any scoring! It took a bit of fun out it. We had a small earthquake on Friday night just after I had gone to bed, but it doesn’t appear to have caused any damage. Nicky’s attendance at church this morning was shorter than usual due the parish youth taking the service. They acted out parts of The Lion, the Witch and the Wardrobe. Bob the Bosun has given us some smoked trout so Nicky is thinking of preparing kedgeree for tea once the ironing is finished. I am thinking of doing very little.

Take care, Rick and Nicky.


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