Into the CBD

Our week has been bookended by sunny weather. The rain came on Wednesday and Thursday. This has enabled us to spend quite a bit of time in the garden, planting, weeding and cutting the grass. The CBD (Central Bindweed District) is looking less lush with weeds as a result. Steve and Louise came over for lunch on Monday, ostensively to put together the Pastoral Care report for the next vestry meeting. Nicky prepared tuna and salad, and apricot and almond scones which went down very well with some good conversation. On Tuesday she hosted home group and all went well, apart from me having a few words with one the participants who doesn’t always know when to be quiet. Other than not winning, we don’t know how we did at the quiz this week as the scoreboard system has gone “into the cloud” and isn’t as easy to access as it could be. I omitted to mention that we were the top scoring team the week before. I fitted one of the fly screens that we bought awhile back to see how we got on with ...