Some rain this week

 We started the week with a spectacular sky, prior to the rain that followed a little later:

Nicky went off to church to do the vestry cleaning and then onto the hairdresser. I spent the day just pottering round the house and not feeling great. On Sunday evening I had had some severe pain on the right hand side of my head. It only lasted a few seconds, but the aftermath lasted a couple of days. It felt like either a tooth problem or an ear problem. I already had a dental hygenist appointment for Thursday, and also managed to get to see a GP on Thursday. Neither found anything wrong, but the GP put me on antibiotics as a precaution. Things improved until I pulled a muscle in my neck on Saturday morning!

I finished reading a very interesting book called Our Moon on Tuesday. I learnt much about our relationship with the moon and how it has been the cornerstone of calendar development through human history. The samples brought back by the Apollo missions have had a significant impact on our understanding of how the Earth and the Moon developed.

Nicky’s week has been very busy; home group and a long evening Vestry Meeting on Tuesday, book group and hospital visiting on Wednesday, staffing the Aramoho Library on Thursday, and Small Group Leaders training on Saturday. She has been out all day today with church first thing, then lunch with Tiana (past quiz team member) to see her 5 month old son Gideon, then a 3p.m. Hospitality Team training meeting at church.

We came third at the quiz this week with 101 points, 11 behind the winners. Friday was very wet so we spent the day doing a jigsaw (which I have finished today). In the evening we had dinner over at Krystyna and Mark’s home - the first “official” guests to be feed from their new kitchen. It was another lovely evening.

On Saturday afternoon we had our end-of-sailing-season BBQ down at the Riverboat Centre. It was a  low key affair but Jen’s slow-cooked pulled beef was lovely. Today I have just been pottering at home. Laundry and trenching while it wasn’t raining, and zipping round with the vacuum cleaner, and ironing once I had finished the jigsaw.

Take care, Rick and Nicky.


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