
 Halfway through the year already, and Italy are out of Euro 2024 in the first of the knockout games. I was only a little surprised. The games with an evening kick-off time coincide nicely with my breakfast time. I can have a couple of mugs of tea during the first half, do my exercises at half time, and settle down to the excitement of the second half with my porridge. A grand way to start the day.

Nicky brought Sarah home with her for lunch on Monday. Sarah has recently had a knee operation so getting about is challenging for her. Nicky was cleaning at church in the morning with Dale, and I was doing my usual Monday morning duties before laying the table for lunch. We both had a snooze in the afternoon after Nicky had taken Sarah home.

We received a delivery of plants for Frances (Mrs. Egg) on Tuesday morning, so Nicky dropped them into her on her way to home group. In the evening we watched Infamous, a film about Truman Capote writing In Cold Blood. It was a bit grim, but Toby Jones was brilliant.

The weather has been dull at times but drier this week. Nicky has been able to spend more time in the garden and I have done a little too. I have also done more ambling, which I am pleased about. 

We came 6th at the quiz with 88 points and no Mike. He is still suffering with whatever infection he started with at the end of the sailing season.

Friday was a public holiday for Matariki. We zipped up to Durie Hill in the car to see if we could spot the star cluster rising before dawn, but it was too cloudy. The view across town was quite illuminating though:

On our way home we stopped at our local Four Square (mini supermarket for non-locals) as they have a good reputation for their pastries. No almond croissants, so we each chose a Danish pastry. Apple for me and apricot for Nicky. They were thoroughly enjoyed later in the morning with a pot of tea.

Yesterday we did a number of errands around town. Mitre 10 for plants, slug pellets, gardening gloves and hooks. Church to return washed and ironed tea towels. The Jigsaw Exchange to take back the last two which we had done, and select four more in the anticipation of some inclement weather. Next was Countdown for milk and bread, and Nicky found a packet of six mini par-baked almond croissants which somehow found their way into the shopping basket. Finally, we went up to the top of Bastia Hill where the water tower resides, because we had not been before. The view wasn’t all that good, but it was good to see a part of town that we hadn’t been to before.

Mark, Krystyna and Bertie (their dog) called in late afternoon to deliver some Polish pastries which Krys had made. We thoroughly enjoyed them too, after out tea time omelettes. Our evening viewing was Hunt for the Wilderpeople which we saw at the cinema on release and we enjoyed more than we expected.

While Nicky was at church this morning I cleaned the cook top and had an amble. She put washing on (mainly church tea towels) when she returned, and invited Saafe-Ur over for afternoon as he has returned from Australia for a couple of days. He moves into his own home tomorrow. We assume he forgot or got a better offer as he didn't come. The beef mince, tomato and red wine with penne that Nicky is cooking for dinner tonight is smelling great. I’m back on dinner duty tomorrow.

Take care, Rick and Nicky.


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