
Showing posts from March, 2024


 Steve continued his convalescing with us at the beginning of the week, and continued to improve each day. He decided to start the journey home on Tuesday by driving to Te Kuiti. As Monday was going to be his last evening with us he provided another take-away dinner from the Spice Guru, which we enjoyed as much as the previous one. Steve and I were a little early collecting it, so while we were waiting I was having a look at the buildings at the bottom end of Victoria Avenue and spotted this: I think Whanganui rivals Napier for the quality of its Art Deco architecture. Before Steve left on Tuesday morning, he and Nicky went to the Splash Centre to have a wallow in the thermal pool. This had been recommended by Nicky’s physio when she had seen her on Monday. Nicky had a short swim too and they both enjoyed their time. We were very pleased that Steve felt sufficiently recovered to start his journey home, as it was not good seeing him in as much pain, as when he first arrived. It was ...

Deckhand of The Week

Family health has dominated our week. Over in England Felicity is having to wait longer than expected for a place in Knellwood. Here, Nicky’s younger sister has been in hospital and is now convalescing with Clem and Pat. Her brother Steve had an accident while kayaking on Monday. He wasn’t injured when his kayak hit some rocks, but when recovering his equipment he tripped on a root on the riverbank the bank and badly hurt a hamstring and bruised his pelvis. He came to us on Wednesday to recuperate as it was closer than going home to Auckland. Nicky’s injured left wrist has also been playing its part this week. She had her first visit to the physio on Monday and got on very well, and had some assistance with the arthritis in her right hand too. None of us is getting any younger. Nicky continued to be tired after her volunteering for the NZ House and Garden open home last week. She cleaned at church as usual on Monday, and met up with a fellow volunteer (also still tired) on Tuesday befo...

Chocolate Duck

 We started this week with an early morning chat with Felicity. We were very pleased to learn that she expects to move to Knellwood (round the corner and down the road a bit from Hilder Gardens) in the next few weeks. While Nicky was cleaning at church I did the trenching and cut the berm. We both went to the doctors for a consultation, primarily about her injured wrist. Referral to the physio who treated me was organised. When paying for the consultation we discovered that our application for Community Services cards had been successful, and that they were already in the Aramoho Medical Centre’s system. This brought the cost down from $48 to $20 - a very useful saving. Our actual Community Services cards arrived in the post on Tuesday. In addition to reduced doctors and prescription fees, we also get half price public transport. I’ll be able to get into town for $1! Unfortunately the benefits don’t extend to the petrol station or the cinema, but we did get a free cinema ticket due...

No strings on me

 Nicky’s week has been challenging. Monday was routine church cleaning, laundry and ironing. She popped down to see Krystyna and Mark with some flowers, as Mark’s brother died last week. On Tuesday morning she had a Zolendrate infusion (for osteoporosis). She was told she might have some influenza-like symptoms for 3 or 4 days. That proved to be an understatement. By Tuesday evening she was quite achey, but during the night started running a very high temperature, was shivering uncontrollably, and vomiting. She spent Wednesday and most of Thursday in bed, just taking liquid and still suffering with nausea, some vomiting, and some temperature fluctuation. Today (Sunday) is the first day where she has had a more normal eating pattern and really started feeling more normal. Hopefully in the next few days she will be back to her usual self. On Monday morning we had a lovely sunrise and some rainbows before the rain came: Some of the afternoon and overnight showers were very heavy, but ...

Bye bye summer

 This week has been a little quieter, which has been good. In addition to all her usual activities and commitments, Nicky has been able to spend some time with Valda. On Tuesday Valda joined Nicky at home group and in the evening we went over to Valda’s for dinner. On Friday they went to the museum fashion talk together, then had an enjoyable picnic lunch and an amble at Bushy Park. On their way home they stopped at Windermere Berry Farm for mixed berry ice-creams. It was brilliant watching the scoop of berries mixed with ice-cream and emerge in a tall spiral of deliciousness.   On Saturday morning they came for a ride on the Waimarie. Even though the weather wasn’t as pleasant as it had been on Friday they both enjoyed the river cruise. Nicky has also spent much of the week making apple, pear and tomato spicy chutney with some of the fruit which we have been given. My week has been one of grass cutting, routine cleaning at home, and five river sailings over Fri/Sat/Sun. We we...