
Monday was the Wellington Anniversary Day public holiday, which we also observe here. It was also hot, sunny, and the annual day of the Arthritis Amble. You may remember, Dear Reader, that this time last year our garden was one of those visited by the Amblers whose ticket money raises funds for the Arthritis Society. Nicky had volunteered to help with refreshments at the nominated garden, and I was sailing on the paddle steamer. Today, in increasingly persistent rain, the volunteers and garden owners have done the Amble together. Again we saw great variety and some lovely gardens, from intimate to vast, and a wonderful range of garden styles. The most unusual one was at the former Gonville Outdoor Swimming Pools. These are no longer operated as swimming pools and the Council sold the facility. The new owners and their daughter have built their home in the changing rooms, and turned two of the three pools into gardens: The anniversary of the event also encouraged me to have a look ...