Pyjama Day

We have Covid. We think we have done pretty well to have avoided it this long, but it is unpleasant all the same. Nicky tested positive yesterday morning, and me this morning. This has meant that I have missed the last two sailings on the paddle steamer, and the end of season social. We are going to have to re-arrange our trip to Raumati which we had booked for next week, cancel all other engagements, stay home and look after each other. The supermarket will be delivering fruit, Halls Throaties, and a few other items on Tuesday. When letting people know that we have succumbed, we have discovered that two other members of the quiz team have also tested positive. This adds insult to the injury of coming 9th out of 11 teams (John wasn’t there, and he is very good). We have had lots of offers of help from friends and neighbours. I seem to have been suffering more than Nicky, though that might be changing as she hasn’t made it out of her PJ’s yet today.

In other news, when it hasn’t been raining we have had some lovely crisp and sunny winter days. I went out to clear the gutters on the east side of the roof on Friday morning because I had spotted things growing out of it. However, I was distracted by the sound of pipes. Following the sound I found a small pipe band visiting the school across the road, so wandered over to have a listen, as you do:

It’s a while since I have been down Burmah Street to the school as it is a cul-de-sac, but the hills opposite were looking good in the sunshine:

The view to the river from the end of our drive was also uplifting:

Prior to our Covid test results, we have been doing our usual weekly activities. We watched the Coronation Concert on Monday evening, and on Tuesday I fitted a spotlight in the car port. Even though we have good lighting in the car port, when we leave it on if we are out for the evening, we return to a mist of wildlife. I wanted a light that I could turn on from outside just as we return home, hence the spotlight.

My last sailing was on Wednesday, and Nicky did her hospital visiting in the afternoon after making scones in the morning. I made damson curd on Thursday which has turned out a strange colour and very sweet. Not sure I will repeat the recipe, unlike the bacon and egg pie which I made on Friday (a Paul Hollywood recipe) and is very good. Just in case you were wondering, I did get the gutters cleaned after enjoying the pipes.

We had unexpected visitors on Friday, Brian and Hetty Goodwin who live in Blockhouse Bay. They called in on impulse and it was good to catch up with news.

So now we isolate for a week. Next week’s post could be very short.

Take care, Rick and Nicky


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