
 As March has moved into April we have had a spell of wintery weather to punctuate our rather routine week. Sailing on the boat on Wednesday was very chilly, and wet at times. Since then the temperatures have started to rise a little though we have still been having some rain. Today the sun has been warm since mid-morning and given us a sunny afternoon.

On Wednesday evening we went to a quiz night at a local hostelry to join Mike, my fellow deck hand, and his quiz team. Last week they came last, but this week they won! That wasn’t due solely to our contributions, but Nicky was a great help with the Art and Literature round and we scored 10 out of 10. We enjoyed the evening and meeting the other team members, and some of their children.

With Easter approaching Nicky had been asked to produce palm crosses for church. This proved to be challenging so on Saturday a couple of fellow parishioners came round to help. Between them they produced over a 100 and three pairs of very tired hands.

Nicky has been having problems with Elvanto, the app that the church use to assist with the church services. She arranged for Tabea to give her a tutorial on Friday afternoon, while I was home to try and better understand it. This was really helpful and I am hoping that I am now in a better position to help Nicky if she encounters problems.

Other than that, I have been busy sailing and doing my routine household duties, and Nicky has been busy with her regular commitments and household duties. We are both feeling quite tired and Nicky’s arthritis pain is still causing her problems, particularly at the beginning of the day. We changed the clocks yesterday which makes me feel we are definitely into autumn and heading into winter.

This week’s photo has been sent to us by Jan who visited us last week:

Take care, Rick and Nicky.


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