The Perfect Figure

 Our weather this week has been dominated by warm wet tropical winds from the north. Some parts of the country, primarily the northern parts of both islands, have had major rainfall. The flooding in Nelson has been significant, and there are hundreds of landslips all over the country closing roads.

We haven’t received as much rain as was forecast, but the temperatures have been much higher than normal for this time of year. Daytime highs have reached the low 20’s, and night time lows have been the the low-mid teens. The humidity has of course been up, so it has felt quite sticky and oppressive. We had a wonderful rainbow yesterday morning which Nicky managed to photograph:

The unpredictable weather has made getting the laundry dry a bit more challenging, and it hasn’t enticed us into the garden until the weekend, when it turned drier.

Nicky has had her usual commitments of Life Group, Alpha and staffing the Community Library. Her diverticulitis has been uncomfortable and painful again this week, but seems to be slowing improving. This week she has started sewing together the strips that she has been knitting into a blanket for Andrew. It’s very colourful.

I have done my usual shopping trips and some MacOnSite work. I’ve also collected the rest of my uniform for my new deck hand job. The trousers are such a comfortable fit, I think I have a figure built for workwear.

A little scanning of our photos has been achieved. This feels like a Herculean task without a perceivable end point. We found hundreds (probably thousands) of photos in the garage at Exminster Street which I had either forgotten about or didn’t even know were there. I want to scan them to preserve them, and to make some space on the shelves, and this is where the problem arises. Not only can we not just put them in the general waste because of the chemicals on them, but knowing we have a digital copy doesn’t make them significantly easier to part with.

As the weather has being more inviting this weekend, we had a wander down the road yesterday to check in on some of the new house builds that are happening in Aramoho. While Nicky has been weeding the pioneers, I have been making a second garden bench from left over wood. It is in place and almost complete. It just needs the arm rests fitting so that full tea and coffee functionality is provided.

Take care, Rick and Nicky.


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