On The Map

I noticed earlier in the week that the satellite image on Google Maps had been updated - finally. The previous one dated from 2013 or earlier as the Jubilee Hospital, which had been erected across the road from us could be seen. This new image would have been taken around November 2021: Our home is the one which I have marked with a star, just in case you weren’t sure. We have had quite a bit of rain this week, but nowhere near as much as other parts of the country. The Whanganui River has been looking very full, but we haven’t seen any flooding. We have had quite a few rainbows, but I only managed to capture this one on camera: You can see how high the river is (the brown streak at the end of the rainbow, near where the pot of gold isn’t). It has also been cold, so we haven’t been encouraged into the garden. Monday was Annual Pamper Day for Luna (service and Warrant of Fitness). Nicky had Life Group on Tuesday and a St John’s meeting with Joy and Peter on Wednesday morning. She finish...