Lovely light

The spring weather has been all over the place this week, and has even regressed to almost winter weather for us at times, and certainly did down south with some snow. We have had heavy rain, strong winds, and lovely warm/hot sunshine. As you can image, getting the laundry done has been a bit of a challenge, but as the sun’s position in the sky changes we are getting some lovely light. This was taken approaching 7pm on Thursday:

I have had quite a busy week with some MacOnSite work, and getting the last of the fence gaps filled. All that remains is for some bracing on a few of the panels, but I ran out of wood for this so have ordered some more and am just waiting for it to arrive.

Nicky has had a bit of a difficult week with not feeling 100% - aching and tired and headaches (though the headaches seem to be due to a change in blood pressure medication). She had a Covid test yesterday, but this ended up being a bit of a marathon as she was poorly directed by a number of people at the hospital and by the time she found it they were closed on Friday, so had to go back yesterday. We haven’t got the result yet, but we are expecting it to be negative.

We have had a couple of good chats with our neighbours. Jacqui joined us for morning tea on Friday (in the sunshine) so she updated us on her cabin building plans. Hopefully this will materialise next year. Mark and Elaine popped over yesterday evening but we were not able to invite them in as Nicky has to isolate until she gets her Covid result.

We went to see the new James Bond film at the cinema to take advantage of the cheap Tuesday prices ($10 each) and because the weather was rubbish. The 10.30am start mainly attracted oldies even though it is school holidays at the moment. The film was longer that we expected but was good.  Everybody in the audience widely physically distanced. We both think that Daniel Craig has been a very good Bond.

For dinner on Thursday we were having chook curry, to which I added some cooking cream which made it really nice, and Nicky made peshwari nan bread. This was her first attempt and it worked out very well, tasted great, and made for a lovely dinner. Yesterday she wanted to make loaf of “rye” bread, but was unable to buy any rye meal.  She settled on mixed grain instead, and combined a couple of recipes and added a little of her own inspiration. That turned out well too. We had it for tea with cheeses and them some more toasted today with avocado.

Our weekend has been quite quiet, because I for one haven’t felt much like doing anything (except starting another jigsaw). Nicky was starting to feel better, but her throat is worse. Off to the doctors tomorrow, no doubt.

The only other event of note was on Tuesday afternoon. With James Bond delaying our lunch until early afternoon, we were having our post-nosh cuppa, sitting on the sofa enjoying not being out in the rain, when we felt a small earthquake. It popped up on the GeoNet app on my phone straight away and I was able to report how strong it felt to us. It was our second of the year.

Take care, Rick


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