Lots of running and jumping

We have continued enjoying the Olympics this week. With there only being a three hour time difference between here and Japan it has made viewing during the day and the evenings very easy. There has however been competition for our attention this week, as every day has seen the arrival of a number of lambs in the nursery paddock at the end of our back garden. Watching the mini sheep gambolling and jumping has been an absolute delight.

Medical matters have also occupied us, with Nicky going for a blood test on Monday. The laboratory hadn’t had the test request from the medical centre so we had to sort that out, but the results did come through in time for Nicky’s GP appointment on Wednesday. With Nicky still not sleeping well I have been chauffeuring and accompanying her. The GP recommended that we purchase a blood presure monitor to make sure that Nicky is on the correct dosage for some of her drugs, so we did this and have both been using it. It’s quite fun really. Tuesday was a busy day for Nicky with life group in the afternoon and Alpha in the evening.

I have finished washing the house this week. I had to do it in stages because of the weather and needing regular breaks. We bought a brush in January that extends to 3m which has enabled me to do the high parts, but it is difficult to get much purchase behind the brush head when it is fully extended. However, it has been good to get “up close and personal” with the majority of the outside of our home, and the only parts that I have not done are those that would require me climbing onto the roof. That I am not doing!

Lake and Kane returned on Wednesday to finish the western fencing at the bottom of the garden, and adjust some of the panels in the same run of fence to reduce the size of the gaps at the bottom of the panels. It is good to have it done. Now we need to fill the gaps.

We have done some entertaining as well. Another Felicity (this one from church) came over for lunch on Thursday so I made some fruit bread to go with the cheese and crackers. Today Frances and Lyn have been over for dinner. Frances is the tree nursery lady from up the road, and Lyn is a new acquaintance from just a few doors away who called in earlier in the week asking about our fence. We had noticed her house because it is very colourful, and she has had a very interesting life. It was good to get to know her a little. We roasted beef and vegetables and baked Yorkshire pudding. Lemon curd cheesecake went down well for pudding and we had a very enjoyable evening.

We have had some major weather systems bringing rain, very strong winds, and sometimes both together. We have enjoyed the sunny spells when they have presented themselves.

I have had a little work, some of which was while having a FaceTime conversation with Jancis last night. She was looking well and in good spirits in spite of all her recent dental treatment.

Take care, Rick


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