We are a "one in ten"

We have had some gorgeous winter weather this weekend. The skies have been clear for the most part, and the sun has been warm, especially yesterday. Lunch has been taken outside on the north-east patio, me wearing shorts and T-shirt and thinking to myself “meteorologically, this is mid-winter!” I had an amble up to the cemetery yesterday afternoon and thought the trees were looking rather good even without their foliage: Now that the sewing room is more organised we can access the blind and the window on the western wall. It is the only window on that side of the house that doesn’t have obscured glass, and I enjoyed the view this morning when opening the blind and was pleased to still be able to see the river over the fence: The majority of my week has been very quiet with no billable work and having my second Covid-19 vaccination on Tuesday morning. By late afternoon Tuesday I was starting to ache, and this got worse on Wednesday so spent the day consuming paracetamol. By Thu...