Back to unpacking

We finished the long weekend off with a very pleasant Easter Monday. Nicky had made some chocolate peanut brownies, so while she did some laundry I delivered some to our neighbours Paul and Naomi. Later in the morning we walked along the road to see Frances and her QT Nursery, and swap brownies for eggs and a cherry tree sapling. We had a good long chat and tour of the nursery and really enjoyed our time with her. We were very late back for lunch, and then Nicky started making bread for tea while I dealt with the laundry. In the evening we watched the concluding episodes of The Undoing which was very good and well done. I was very pleased that it had a satisfactory ending.

The majority of the rest of our week has been occupied with unpacking. Nicky’s sewing room is currently full of stuff and boxes, particularly of books. We had both come to the conclusion that it might be near the end of the year before we have the fitted book shelves installed and that we didn’t want the sewing room to be a store room for that long. So the time has come to use the metal shelving that was in the garage at Exminster Street. Some of it, I had already assembled and was in the shed, so Nicky washed those while I assembled the remainder. We put three into the living area and one into the sewing room. This has enabled Nicky to get most of the books unpacked while I have been restructuring the IKEA Ivar shelving and reorganising the hall storage cupboard.

The external work for our broadband connection was scheduled to be installed on Tueaday and Wednesday, but fairly early on Tuesday morning I received a text informing me that the contractor had been injured and our new dates were the 17th and 18th of May. Not being terribly happy about this I gave them a ring to say that our original installation date was January 13th and could anything be done to expedite matters. Later in the week a text informed me that it will be installed in the coming week. We shall see.

Nicky’s life group went well on Tuesday afternoon, and I have done some remote support work for a couple of my Auckland customers. I was tickled on Thursday when the weekly free paper (River City Press) arrived and I discovered the pigeon racing results. I don’t think you get those in the NZ Herald!

We had an unexpected visit from the friend of a friend on Friday. Dorothy (who is in her 80’s) and her daughter Kim are building a house here in Whanganui too. The mutual friend is Maria from my Deep and Meaningful discussion group. It was good to exchange notes on building and living in Whanganui.  Dorothy and Kim sold their Auckland home last year and have been renting accomodation here in Whanganui whilst their new home is built.

We were not surprised to learn on Saturday, that we had not won the Whanganui Most Beautiful House competition. It went to a 1910 built “Ponsonby villa” (which is very nice) with 81% of the vote. I don’t actually think of our house as being beautiful, but it is dramatic.

Our unpacking and reorganising has continued into the weekend, and Nicky has also attended an AGM at church as well as her using morning service. In between the two events she made some lovely orange and sultana scones. This afternoon I made iron bread for tea. While it was cooking Jacqui came in to deliver figs from her tree and have a chat.

I don’t have any new photos to add this week, so here is one taken when we we on our way home from one of the Artists Open Studios the other week. We were loking over town from a viewing point which we hadn’t discovered before:

Our home is off the picture to the left hand side.

Take care, Rick


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