Our communications technology has finally joined the 21st century this week, with the completion of our fibre broadband internet connection. The modem arrived on Tuesday, and the technician booked for Friday came an hour early (though had two cups of coffee before actually starting work). This not only gives us a good fast connection (especially compared to hot-spotting off our phones), but also a local area network. This means I have now been able to set up our technology in the way which I had planned. Pat and Clem came for lunch on Wednesday, which was a lovely treat. They had been having a few days in Ohakune and took time out to come and have a look at Whanganui and to pay us a visit. The morning ended up being a bit fraught, as I needed to do some shopping and Nicky had an appointment at the Medical Centre. This would have all worked out fine if it had not been for the roadworks on Somme Parade. Fortunately we had left a key for Clem and Pat so they were able to let themselves i...