Cracking butties Gromit

The first week of autumn has been pretty quiet on the weather front (bit of rain but still mainly warm and sunny), but generally positive on other fronts.

Nicky hosted a meeting for the Maranatha members to discuss their future for their prison outreach work. This was quite an emotional affair as more stories of the leader’s duplicitous actions came to light. However, there does appear to light at the end of the tunnel, and it was agreed that the leader should be stood down. With the meeting being early afternoon Nicky provided a selection of sandwiches, only to find that most of the ladies were fasting for Lent. We had sandwiches for tea. And for lunch the following day. And the day after that. Fortunately they were very good sandwiches, so it didn’t really feel like hardship. On Thursday, Nicky, with the support of a member of the Salvation Army, formally informed the Maranatha leader that it had been decided that she would be stood down.

We had a reassuring visit to the GP on Monday morning, where we discovered that her blood test indicated that her body wasn’t fighting an infection at the time it was taken. Another one is scheduled for a few week’s time, and Nicky is generally feeling improved. Book Chat and Life Group went well on Wednesday, and on Friday afternoon after spending the morning at BHB Seniors Nicky went over to Dilworth Hearing to get them to have a look at one of her hearings aids (it has gone back to the manufacturer) and pay a visit to Ken, one of the founders of Maranatha.

My working week has been focused round a couple of site visits to a customer where they are bringing all their operating systems versions into line. There has also been some remote support required for others. I have been really enjoying reading Kate Atkinson, finishing two in the Jackson Brodie series (numbers 3 and 4). I am now just starting the fifth one again, which was the first one that I read a few months ago! My Thursday evening conversation at Deep and Meaning full was very good, but Friday up at The Block was spoilt by an 80’s disco - way too loud!

We had a very enjoyable day out yesterday, walking most of the Didsbury Arts Trail at Hobsonville. We enjoyed most of the public artworks, and the views from the parts of the trail that coincide with the coastal walk, and seeing the architecture and layout of the new development which is the focus of Hobsonville, but by mid afternoon (when it got to about 27ยบ) we had had enough. Even though the free sausage sizzle, and not free hot drinks and sticky buns (followed by gorgeous gelato by N) were sustaining, we really enjoyed our pot of tea and some nuts in the shade when we got home. Here are a few photos for your pleasure:

Today, like yesterday, started cool and clear, so while Nicky went to church, I went to Karekare. It was one of those rare days that I feel I experience about once a season where the sun was warm but not too hot, there was no breeze to speak of, and the tide was just turning and going out, which made the sea millpond-like. I was actually able to swim (twice) instead of just falling over in the surf like I usually do. Nicky has been over to Stella’s for Scrabble this afternoon, and I have a suspicion the evening will be book-related again.

Take care, Rick


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