
We had some rain at the beginning of the week, but it has generally been warm and with much sunshine. Temperatures have got into the mid 20’s and the low 40’s have been observed in our roof space.

Nicky has spent much of her time sewing, and her plethora of Christmas gatherings have started. She did her usual stint at Seniors Church on Monday morning, and was in Henderson for Book Chat on Wednesday morning. On Thursday, along with about half of the residents of the Bay, she attended the funeral of one of her fellow parishioners who was a widely liked lady who will be missed by many. Her Christmas gatherings started on Monday evening with one for leaders up at church, continued on Thursday with prison volunteers in Greelane, and then Saturday with Maranatha at the RSA in Swanson.

I seem to have been quite busy with work, but it didn’t actually pan out to many hours. I enjoyed my Thursday meetup discussion about dreams, and putting the world to rights at The Block on Friday.

Our battery powered lawn mower has finally died, and we are considering our options, as there is a possibility that long term (in Wanganui) we won’t need one. We are seriously considering green ground cover which doesn’t need maintenance, or plastic grass which just needs hoovering from time to time.

Yesterday Stella, Steve and Ros came over for Scrabble in the morning, and I got back to scanning photographs and liasing with the washing machine. Today was the BHB Santa Parade; it isn’t usually on a Sunday. Nicky was coaxed out of the congregation to swell the church’s numbers in the parade:

This afternoon she has been in prison, and I have been in the kitchen. I also had a hearing test this week. I don’t know if I passed or failed - I couldn’t her what Ashley, the very nice audiologist, was saying at the end. I found the whole thing rather odd. After a bit of a chat she got me to listen to some notes - I couldn’t detect a tune at all, and she declined to turn up the volume when I asked. Then I had to listen to some chap who couldn’t make his mind up what to say, it was say this and say that - never got a coherent sentence out of him. Anyway, at the end I paid my money and remembered Ashley had said something about a referral letter so cunningly avoided the two chaps in white coats that were loitering outside. 

Take care, Rick


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