
Stress has been a big feature for me this week. I have started the process of applying for the funds in my KiwiSaver, for which there are rules because I am not 65. What has been more problematic has been starting the application for a government First Home Grant. We both need to apply, but with me being self employed, a level of unexpected (to me) complication has been added. I hope to get it resolved next week, but I have really appreciated a quiet weekend with my lovely wife to help me get through it. The week started with wet and stormy weather, but it has gradually improved and got warmer, though the chilly breeze has taken the edge off the warmth of the sun. Nicky has enjoyed her regular trips up the road to Seniors Church and Holy Communion, and has spent much of the rest of the week sewing. Mary came back with her Wednesday for lunch. I have been reasonably busy with work, much of which has been remote but I had a long day in Matakana on Tuesday. Thursday evening I was...