Sometimes I really understand Victor Meldrew

We have had quite a bit of rain this week, so drying the laundry has required some indoor-outdoor flow in a way that I don’t think any of the TV house makeover designers envisage. Work has been very light for me, just dealing with one customer with a vexing email issue, but it has required my attention a number of times throughout the week, and is still “on-going” from my perspective.

We had a meeting with a lawyer and a solicitor on Wednesday to discuss the contract we had received for the purchase of the section in Whanganui. This was very useful as they explained the implications of the things that we didn’t understand, and it wasn’t good news. Basically, the vendors want us to do quite a bit of work and spend quite a sum of money getting the section ready for sale, ie: before we own it. You can imagine our reaction to that. So, we are now working on changes to the contract to send back to the vendors lawyer and see how they react.

Nicky went up to Seniors Church on Monday morning and Mary came back with her for lunch so we had some warming soup and a good chat. Life group on Wednesday was followed by Prison Prayer group in Greenlane on Thursday, along with another volunteering session in Henderson. She didn’t go to Seniors Church on Friday as she woke feeling dizzy, and it took her most of the day to feel anything like normal. Nicky didn’t sleep well on Friday and Saturday nights with the issues around the section purchase occupying her thoughts. She made lovely carrot soup (for lunch) and brioche on Saturday, and was in prison this afternoon. The Scrabblers had arrived by the time she returned and the brioche was enjoyed.

Nicky got the three Millennium films, extended versions, from the library on DVD on Monday (The Girl with the Dragon Tattoo etc), and we have enjoyed watching them through the week. The longer versions made a big difference to the story telling, and made them much better films. We also watch the Crimes of Grindlewald again before returning it to avoid a fine - and didn’t have the subtitles switched on this time!

Take care, Rick


Moira and Peter said…
From what I remember over here (UK) if work needs doing on a plot the Vendor reduces the price to compensate......

Never come across the Purchaser having to fork out for work before sale! Unbelievable...….. Good luck!

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