A flashmob of angels

For the last few weeks Nicky has been knitting angels, and they are now residing on our willow branches along with our permanent fairy lights. They make a really nice display:

Nicky’s week in the library has been uneventful, whereas my week has been shaped by jury service. I didn’t actually get drawn out of the ballot, but spent Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday mornings waiting to see if I was. I have also had a little on-site work, and upgraded Steve’s laptop OS.

Apart from a predominately fine and sunny week, and Nicky attending Life Group on Wednesday, the highlight of our week was going to see the Crimes of Grindelwald on Thursday. Nicky finished work at 5pm so that we could get to the 6pm showing, and afterwards we ate dinner at Hansan, a Vietnamese restaurant in the Brickworks. It was the only establishment in the complex which we hadn’t tried so we gave it a go. It was OK, but not as good as the others. The film however, was very enjoyable, and I thought it was better than the first one in the Fantastic Beasts series as it had a more defined plot. Nicky has found reading Ros’s copy of the screen play illuminating and useful with her understanding of the film. It’s next on my pile, having just finished and really enjoyed the Jim Kay illustrated version of The Prisoner of Azkaban.

I had my back X-rayed on Thursday morning as for the last three years or so it has been more painful than the previous 35 years. My GP suspects arthritis but just wants to check.

Nicky had yesterday off work to join the BHB Quilters, and Stella, Steve and Ros came over for Scrabble late afternoon. Apart from giving Dawn’s grass a quick trim I had a quiet day as I woke up feeling under the weather with a cold. Today I’ve been a little better, but we have had a quiet day all the same. Nicky made us really good omelettes for tea.

Take care, Rick


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