Off the rails

The weather is still warmer than would be expected for this time of year (we had a high of 23ºC for a little while today), but just to get us into the mood for what’s coming we had some fog on Thursday morning.

Nicky has had issues with getting to work this week, partially caused by a number of poor night’s sleep and partially by a train derailment at Britomart on Wednesday. Delays and fewer trains were still the best the service could provide on Friday, and buses have been replacing trains over the weekend. For those who don’t know, Britomart is currently the end of the line in the CBD. All train services start and finish there, so the derailment has affected all of the Auckland rail network. Thursday was an interesting work day for Nicky as she had ben seconded to New Lynn library for the day. Having worked there for awhile in the past she knew where most things were, but inevitably there had been changes that she had to deal with during her working day. All the same, she enjoyed it and working with some of her previous colleagues. 

My week has been a little better than recently work wise, but still light. Feeling that we must be getting to the end of the warm weather on Wednesday morning I went out to Anawhata, a beach I have only been to a couple of times before. The last 20 minutes of the drive there is on un-sealed road, but the real difficulty is the step path to the beach. This is a bit of a challenge on the way down, but even more so on the way back up. However, I had a good 2-3 hours with the entire beach to myself, a bit of a dip in the sea and my picnic lunch. Even though it was sunny the wind became quite cool, but I soon warmed up on my way back to the car park! Here is a photo I took in 2014 on my first visit. It hasn’t changed.

On Thursday evening I went into town for my Deep & Meaningful group where we had a Desert Island Disks evening. As no one else there had heard this iconic Radio 4 programme it didn’t turn out quite as I expected, but as usual, we had a good evening all the same. On Friday I had my ‘flu shot - my very first one. I have kept the receipt in case I need to go back for a refund.

After work yesterday Nicky meet up with Stella for a cup of tea at The Falls in Henderson, and I helped a local friend set up a new Mac and went to see an elderly customer of mine who is now in a care home in the Bay.

Today has been much sunnier that expected, though I dried the washing inside after having a couple of showers and then got it ironed later. After church Nicky came home for a bite of lunch before going off to prison and then Scrabble at Stella’s. We had crumpets for tea before getting our eyes round the tellybox.

Take care, Rick


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