Bargain Bunnies

Oh joy, oh happy day; Monday to be specific. While out shopping I decided to call in at Bakers Delight on Margan Avenue to check out the Hot Cross Bun (aka bunnies) situation. Their usual price for a packet of 6 is $9, which I am prepared to pay as they are such good bunnies. However, in years past in the days leading up to Easter they have done special offers, and 2018 was no exception. Not only the usual offer of two packets for $15, but a loyalty card that delivered a fifth packet for free after purchasing four previously! Sweet As, as they say here. As the young lady serving me explained this she saw the look on my face and said “I might as well just give you the fifth packet now hadn’t I?”, to which I enthusiastically agreed. 30 bunnies for $30 - bargain!!! The other staff member behind the counter (a young man) asked if I was stocking up for Easter. I replied in the affirmative on the basis that if we could keep our hands off them and I wouldn’t have to return on Thursday for another five packets. He suggested that I could hide them but I said that I would know where I had hidden them so that was no help, at which point he fell about laughing. As it turned out, Nicky agreed with my suggestion that we freeze them and this prevented a further trip to Bakers Delight on Thursday. No, we haven’t eaten all of them ourselves. Visitors have had some, and Nicky took a couple of packets with her yesterday for the folks at work and Stella. We have just five bunnies left, as I type, to have with tea tonight. I can hear them calling me…

We had started Monday in the sunshine on The Rattigan with a breakfast of poached eggs on toast. It was a generally sunny day so Nicky did much cleaning and hoovering, and I was back out on The Rattigan later in the afternoon as the iron had started smoking while Nicky was using it and threatened to catch fire so I thought it was safer out than in. As I got it outside the sole plate fell off. It has now gone to crease rearranging heaven. On Thursday I bought a new iron, a Braun, so that I can also use it to trim my beard when it cools down!

I have only had one on-site job this week so my fiscal year has ended quietly. Nicky has been busy at work as usual and enjoyed having Good Friday off. Stella came over on Tuesday evening to use my scanner and stayed to watch Bake Off with us which was good. I was into town on Thursday for my meet-up and Nicky went up to church for her foot washing but it turned out to be hand washing, so her feet will have to wait another year. Hey ho.

It rained overnight on Thursday but Good Friday perked up and the rain gave way to sunshine. We had croissants stuffed with scrambled eggs and bacon for breakfast. Nicky went of to Powley for an afternoon vigil and brought Mary back with her for tea and bunnies. TV2 were doing a Wallace and Gromit marathon (all four shorts), which may have been to coincide with the NZ released of the new Aardman film Early Man, which we had decided to go and see in the evening. As I have all the W&G’s on DVD I decided to get myself in the mood by watching The Ware-Rabbit and leave the shorts for my own Saturday afternoon marathon while Nicky was working.

We enjoyed Early Man though that was primarily because of Nick Park’s visual humour and feel-good ending, not because it is a stunning film. Afterwards we enjoyed brisket burgers at Cleaver & Co in The Brickworks before walking home.

While Nicky was at work yesterday I did the washing and put the new iron through its paces for the second time. After she returned from playing Scrabble we watched Arthur & George on DVD, a dramatisation based on a true story of Sir Arthur Conan Doyle clearing the name of a Midland’s man. I had read the book (on Claire’s recommendation) some years ago and we enjoyed watching it. I finished the day by putting the clocks back an hour.

We enjoyed the lighter morning which greated us today, though I know it won’t last. We did our usual Sunday things of church and Karekare, and Nicky was still chatting with Jan, Valda and Doris when I got back. We have had a lazy and enjoyable afternoon, and will probably spend the evening with the tellybox and the last of the bunnies.

Take care, Rick.


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