Practicing for Easter

It has been a week with an improving feel to it. As it has progressed the weather has improved, and on Tuesday the new series of The Great British Bake Off started (I don’t bother with the Oz imitation). This is with the new Channel 4 crew, Sandi T etc, and we enjoyed it.

Monday started with a major low pressure system heading our way, and although we had wind and rain, it wasn’t as bad as our winter low pressure systems can be. Even though we are now officially into autumn, the weather can still be very nice. The sun is now pleasant to sit in as it is warm without being like a Regulo 8 grilling.

Nicky has had a good, busy and fairly routine week at the library. She was on Alpha kitchen duty on Wednesday evening. I have had work every day so along with my usual house-husbanding contractual obligations it’s been quite a busy week. I had a lovely swim at Red Beach on Wednesday. The sand and rock were smooth and comfortable to walk across and the sea was warm and like a millpond. Thursday evening saw me facilitating at Deep & Meaningful and we had a good discussion about democracy.

After Nicky went off to work yesterday I walked down to New Lynn to bank a cheque, and stopped for a coffee before walking back (that’s where I encounter the uphill bit). I spent most of the rest of the day reading The Seagull by Ann Cleeves, a Vera Stanhope thriller, which was very good. Nicky Scrabbled at Stella’s after work and like me, enjoyed her after-dinner hot cross buns (and cheese!).

Today, with the weather still being good, it has been another routine Sunday with N off to church and me off to Karekare. The sea was still warm but the currents were quite strong today, and it was a very enjoyable visit. This afternoon we had a “run out” to the Pah Homestead, had a look at the art and enjoyed walking round the grounds. This was to compensate for our upcoming evening of tellyboxing.

Take care, Rick


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