Back to work.

We had a very quiet start to 2018. After getting to bed very late (for us) after seeing the New Year in, we didn’t actually get than much sleep. The weather was dull and close and ended up raining, though I did just manage to get some washing dry. Nicky started to feel unwell again and vomited so we had a quiet day at home after I had done a bit of comestibles shopping. I did have a shower - yeah! - first for a week, with the dressing over my bites covered in a plastic bag. This not showering every day thing has been an interesting experience. I haven’t been as smelly as I thought I might be, and my skin is taking longer to look dry, but still needs moisturising.

Tuesday was a much better day. Nicky felt she was on the mend but her tummy was still very tender. It was a hot sunny day so I got three loads of washing dry. Blanca and her two girls came over for some quilting advice in the morning, and in the afternoon Nicky delivered birthday gifts to Stella and Valda. In the evening we listened to the remainder of the audiobook (Backlash) that we had started on our journey down to Ohakune. It was a warm night, still 28°C in the roof when we went to bed.

Nicky still wasn’t right on Wednesday morning so popped up to the Doctors and saw the locum, who was very nice, and gave her some more antibiotics. She had the day at home and went back to work on Thursday and is improving, though not quite free of the cough just yet.

I have had a gentle start to the working year with a few jobs, but Friday’s on-site work was interrupted by a power cut. A major storm system came over our part of Aotearoa on Thursday and it has only really left us today, though the rain finished on Friday. There has been quite a bit of damage in some areas with the storm and King tides arriving at the same time, and the high winds continued for 24 hours after the rain.

This didn’t stop me going out to Deep and Meaningful and for drinkies (though not at The Block as it was closed). On Saturday after Nikcy finished work and played Scrabble at Stella’s we went out for dinner with Stella, Kate and Tim to celebrate Stellas birthday. We really enjoyed the food at Wagamama’s in New Lynn, but some seating with back support would have been nice.

Summer has started to return today. Nicky went off to church and I went off to Karekare for the first time in ages. I starting going dressing free on Tuesday so that the wound sites from my bites get some air, and thought some sea water would do them good. The tide was low so I had a very good walk on firm sand and a good dip in the sea. After church Nicky was collected by one of her ex-colleagues from BHB library who took her down to her other house in Waiuku, where she had a three course lunch of soup, fish and chips, and Christmas pudding and custard, followed by a very well deserved siesta. She got back home a little after 5pm to find me part way through a jigsaw.

This evening we have watched a film on DVD - The Circle - an allegory on social media and data privacy which was interesting. Feels like it’s going to be another warm night.

Take care, Rick.


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