
First of all Dear Reader, apologies for this post being late, but yesterday was a very busy day and I just didn’t have time. Second of all, Happy New Year. Our last week of 2017 has been very much a family week. We started off on Monday, Christmas Day, with a lovely clear blue sky, our traditional pot of tea, and opening our presents in bed. We proceeded onto breakfast of croissants stuffed with baked mushrooms (the croissants ended up much bigger than I expected so we had a couple left over) and then had tea and coffee on The Rattigan. We had phone conversations with Gill (in the UK) and Rachel (in Wanaka) while the pudding cooked. Nicky made Strawberry Santa’s for us to take to Kim’s, along with my pudding and Christmas Pie: We picked up Valera, a D&M friend of mine, on the way to Parau and arrived at Kim’s around 12.30.We had a great afternoon of chatting with everybody, glorious food and present opening. Lunch was a little late so we didn’t leave until around 6p...