Zippy & nippy

I have had the week without my Mac mini, but do not worry Dear Reader as I have backup technology to keep me going. It has spent most of its week travelling down to Dunedin and then back again so that Ryan could install a solid state drive for me. With that and some additional RAM the performance has significantly improved. This has also been good test of my disaster recovery plans which I have modified a little in light of the experience.

Work was quiet for me at the beginning of the week then busy at the end. Nicky and I had a late breakfast on Monday, a walk in Archibald Park (they haven’t started installing the boardwalk yet) and started a small (450 piece) jigsaw. Nicky had a church meeting in the evening. Nicky has had another good week at work and did a swapped late duty on Thursday.

I had Tuesday evening out at a “Raising the Bar” event, which is a week of talks given in pubs and bars by staff from the University of Auckland. I had chosen “Getting into space: how hard can it be?”, which was interesting and accompanied by an enjoyable burger at the Tom Tom Bar and Eatery. On the way there I took this photograph which I though was quite appropriate:

Thursday was the first day of spring apparently. I don’t feel that winter has started yet, it has been so mild. I have three pairs of work trousers, two lightweight ones which I wear most of the year and some wool Icebreaker ones for the winter. Last year I wore my Icebreakers for about 10 weeks. This year it was 5 days, and on 2 of those days I was too hot!

Due to spring arriving the weather has been more changeable. Fewer nice long sunny spells, more periods of rain, some very heavy, though not Texas-heavy.

I had another enjoyable domestic day of ironing, Harry and bread making yesterday while Nicky was at work and then Scrabbling afterwards at Stella’s. We have watched some of the TV programmes marking the 20th anniversary of Diana’s death this week. They have been a mixed bag but we found the one about the 7 days directly following her death quite interesting, particularly as we can remember quite clearly (yes, even at our ages!!).

Today started dull but has got sunnier. I went for a walk in the bracing wind at Karekare while Nicky was at church, and Mary joined us for lunch. Nicky has just finished mowing the lawn and we will be tellyboxing after tea, which I might go and make a start on now.

Take care, Rick


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