I've got my own broomstick!!!

We’re not sure if it’s a Cleansweep or a Nimbus, but we know it isn’t a Firebolt and I’m pretty sure it’s not a Comet. Nicky made it for me at work and I think we might have got a little over excited about it.

It has been storm week again. This one worse then the last one but again we only caught the edges and the impact in our area wasn’t as great. The same can’t be said for the east coast and the Bay of Plenty area. When it hasn’t been raining, and Wednesday was our wettest day, we have had some nice warm sun shine.

The Fit for the Future program has passed another milestone for Nicky at work this week, with the main announcement about the mechanism for reapplying for their jobs being made. It is not making life easy. She also had every evening out out except for Friday, with prison prayer group, Alpha, hair do and foot washing. It’s a good job it was only a four day week.

I have also had work of one sort or another every day, and seen a couple of new customers this week. I was due to be out Thursday evening for a D&M discussion in Whangaparaoa but didn’t go because of the dire weather forecasts, so had more time than expected helping Jancis with her technology. We have also switched our broadband technology this week, moving from ADSL to 4G. The transition has been interesting but largely straight forward.

Good Friday was a quiet day, especially for me. After scrambled eggs on toast we had some general pottering before Nicky went to Powley for her Easter vigil, which was very good again. I finished reading a brilliant book published by the New Scientist magazine called the Origin of (almost) Everything. Very clear and accessible information on lots of science that shapes our lives. Even though its really a reference book I read it from cover to cover.

Yesterday was a much busier day, but we started off with a lovely video chat with Moir and Peter (prompted by the arrival of their first grandchild) while having our mugs of tea in bed. Nicky zipped off to the mall first thing to get a gift card for Kate, then went and set up at quilting (which is now starting earlier) before we both went to the airport to see Steve off. Then it was back to quilting and then up to Birkenhead for dinner with Maria and her new squeeze Les. We had a great evening and of course the food was stunning. First course of seed crackers and mashed avocado, main course of beef bourguignon pie with pear salad and dessert of fig and chocolate cake with cointreau sauce.

Today started out with clearish skies so I put some washing out before going off to the beach. Nicky had a gaggle of ladies back from church when I returned home and Jancis stayed for lunch and our Easter volcano trip - Three Kings this year. Another one knocked off without oxygen or muffins.

Take care, Rick


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