Back to work

This week has been our return to work week, though for many people that has yet to happen. The weather has been been up and down, but statistically as warm as usual at this time of year - it just doesn’t feel like we are properly into summer yet.

To finish off the holidays after Nicky had had a stint stacking books in the library on Monday morning we had a trip down to the hot pools at Miranda. We had a very good long wallow (along with drizzle) and then fish and chips at the local and famous Kaiaua chip shop on the way home. On Tuesday evening Nicky had a bring-a-plate and games evening at one of her fellow staff members’ homes. She made an Eaton Mess which went down well and they had a very enjoyable evening.

Wednesday was back to work for both of us. I already had a job booked and another one came in during the day, followed by another one on Thursday. I have also been helping Jancis get her technology settled in, along with my usual house husband activities. The library was frantic on Wednesday and has calmed down a little since but is still very busy.

On Friday evening we celebrated Stella’s birthday we herself, Kate and Tim, up at Mt Everest Kitchen in BHB. Again the food was very good, and we all enjoyed a stroll down to beach afterwards to work off the calories. We presented each of them with individual fruit cakes. This was Stella’s:

Yesterday was warm and sunny but quite windy. Steve and Stella came over for Scrabble and they had a good couple of games. Today has been more cloudy and even more idle with Jancis, Jan and Mary coming back from church with Nicky. Jancis stayed with us for lunch and the afternoon so we had a few games of Mah Jongg too. This evening has been catching up with some tellyboxing.

Take care, Rick


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