Busy start to the month

It feels like it has been a busy week, and certainly with work for me I have done as much this week as I did in the whole of November last year.

Following Ruth’s afternoon tea we had quite a few lobs, so both Nicky and Claire took these into work for their respective munchkins. Nicky was out on Monday evening so Claire and I re-lived past habits and watched some West Wing on DVD.

I collected Claire from town on Tuesday afternoon to take her to the airport. We already knew that Doug would be piloting her flight back to Dunedin and was trying to arrange a cockpit visit for her. What Claire discovered when she got to the gate, and we discovered later, was that she would spend the whole flight on the flight deck, and get to listen in to conversations with control towers on the headphones. This was a brilliant experience for her and she feels it’s the best flight she as ever had (she likes being in the front of the car too!).

Along with my usual domestic routines, this week has seen the completion of our new wills, so we are now completely up to date with Kiwi wills and EPA’s.

Nicky has had a very busy week at the library, complicated with trying organise the staff and library Christmas festivities. This is always complicated by her manager’s reluctance to mark Christian festivals. Fortunately Nicky is far more diplomatic than I am.

We have watched a couple of very good films this week: The Sessions about a man with polio in the late 1980’s who lived in an iron lung most of the time and his desire for sexual experience, and The Bélier Family about a French farming family all of whom are deaf except the teenage daughter who has a terrific singing voice. Some similar themes to Billy Elliot, heart-warming, funny and moving.

The weather has continued spring like. We woke to clear skies and 7º on Tuesday, less clear skies and 17º this morning. In between we have had some lovely sun, some rain, and some chilly wind. This afternoon it got really warm for a little while, hopefully a taste of things to come.

We have had a gentle weekend which has made a pleasant change. We had smoked salmon and scrambled egg on avocado and toast for breakfast yesterday, before going down to the waterfront to have a look at a photography exhibition which we enjoyed. Strolling round in the sun was also very pleasant. We had a lazy afternoon with reading and grass mowing. Today we popped over to see Becky, Dave and Abe after Nicky had returned from church, and then Stella and Steve came over for Scrabble. This evening is bound to involve the tellybox.

Take care, Rick


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