We finished the cake this week.

Overall the first full week in July has been uneventful, though the weather has tried to muscle in on this. Wednesday was foggy almost all day, and Thursday night was very wet and stormy. The beginning of the week was a little milder but then over this weekend the sky has cleared and the temperature has dropped accordingly.

The busyness of the library has been closely related to the weather - quiet while raining. Nicky's only evening out was at life group. My week has been very quiet - just one wee job on Monday afternoon. I attended a digital marketing seminar at the Wynyard Events Centre on Thursday morning which included a free breakfast (which was OK), and though it focused on Google products it was quite interesting. The lurgy which I had a touch of last weekend lingered but lessened through the week.

We had a very quiet day at home yesterday. It was fine but cloudy so I got laundry done that hadn't made it during the week. We spent most of the day doing a new jigsaw, but Nicky took some time out to make some very nice cheese scones to go with our tomato soup for tea.

Today dawned clear and sunny, though cold. Nicky went to church and I went to Karekare, where the wind and the sea was cold, but the wind felt warmer after coming out of the sea! (I guess it's all relative). Nicky cut the grass before Steve and Stella came over for Scrabble this afternoon, and we have enjoyed spicy fruit muffins for tea before our Sunday night TV marathon.

Take care, Rick


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