The Country Calendar Girl is back.

The end must be nigh as we are now into December and the year is getting old. As a reflection of this, nearly every day this week has started dull and grey, today being the exception, but by breakfast time the cloud was starting to build. Having said that, the week has been dry and we have had sunny afternoons, so ironing has been made and then flattened.

Nicky’s week at work has varied between steady and very busy. They have started their Christmas visits to old folks homes this week, with mixed results. Mine has been very quiet again with just one small job. Wednesday night saw us both out at Jan and John’s for Nikcy’s life group end-of-year social. As per usual it was pot-luck affair and a very good evening. We saw some of Helen and Warwick’s photos of their recent trip to Europe. Nicky was at prison prayer group on Thursday evening, and Friday evening she popped round to see Jancis, fresh from the airport, while I was up at The Block.

Yesterday morning Nicky went to see the GP for her regular 3 month appointment before going off to church to get ready for the Blockhouse Bay Santa parade. We had stored the gingerbread house overnight which the library staff had made for their “float”. The sun came out and the parade paraded and a good time seemed to be had by all. Nicky went off to prison in the afternoon for a volunteers thank-you social, and I made veg soup.

While Nicky went to church this morning I went to Karekare for the first time in a few weeks, and even though the wind was still a bit chilly I had a good walk. Jancis came back from church with Nicky so I was able to have a good chat with her while Nicky played Scrabble with Stella and Steve. After lunch we put up the Christmas tree which I had purchased from the ambulance station on Friday. I don’t think we have had a tree up this early before. We always used to wait until after Nicky and Claire’s birthday’s, or if I got my way until Christmas Eve, but we have it and it’s a nice tree so we thought we might as well enjoy it. It looks really good this year.

Take care, Rick.


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