
We are definitely getting into pre-Christmas mode now. The library has been anything from busy to manic, so Nicky has had an even more tiring week than usual. I have also had a bit more work than recently so that has been good, and I have been doing some decorating for Jancis in her spare bedroom. The social commitments have also been making their presence felt this week.

On Wednesday evening we went over to our relatively new Sri Lankan neighbours who live in the homestead. We had arranged to take dessert (Nicky made a wonderful Eton mess in a glass bowl which they had given us when they came over for afternoon tea, and I made some strawberry Santa’s). However, it seemed a little superfluous with the banquet which they provided of both Sri Lankan and European food. It’s was good to meet them again.

On Thursday evening I went into town for my last Deep & Meaningful conversation of the year, and Nicky and some of her colleagues from the library went down to the twilight market in New Lynn for their Christmas meal. This was good but the range of stalls wasn’t as wide as she had experienced previously.

The weekend has been pretty busy too. It was Nikcy’s last BHB Quilters of the year and this was preceded by a shared Christmas lunch. Preparing for this kept Nicky busy during the morning, and I started on preparations for the evening. Neither of us were feeling 100% and we are not sleeping terribly well which doesn’t help. However, quilting and the lunch went well.

On Saturday night we had Lisa over for dinner. She is an American lady who works at New Lynn library and Nicky became good friends with while working there. Lisa has had a difficult few years but is now marrying and moving to Italy in the new year so Nicky wanted to see her again before her next adventure in life. We did a simple meal of steak and salads and chocolate mouse and had a very good natter.

This morning Nicky has been to prison, while I did some laundry and the week’s ironing, though Nicky finished this off. She felt too tired to go out and do the things she had been planning, especially as she had volunteered to steward at the Carols in the Bay this evening. Nicky and I took Dawn and a picnic with us, and even though it was a bit chilly, the carol concert and band which followed (playing 50’s and 60’s music) was enjoyed. We are now having a cup of tea before getting ready for bed.

By this time next week it will all be over.

Take care, and don’t spend ANYMORE. Rick


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