Finally, the waiting is over…

…and the 2015 Rugby World Cup has started. I was up in time yesterday (just before 6am) to watch the opening ceremony and match. It was a couple of hours before Nicky surfaced so it was a good job that I had recored the ceremony. We followed England’s win with a late breakfast of tomatoes on toast. Nicky had another good BHB Quilters in the afternoon and I started putting this years photo-book together. Today Nicky went straight to Stella’s for Scrabble with her and Steve after her morning at the prison.

Monday was our 8th anniversary of arriving in New Zealand. Claire rang for a chat and to celebrate I cooked NZ lamb for dinner and was very pleased to be able to serve it with some very good “proper” mint sauce - purchased from Nosh but originally produced by Waitrose!

On Wednesday evening we went down to Te Pou theatre on Portage Road to see “The Great American Scream”, which was part of the Going West festival. We had been given free tickets by Amber who ran the Te Reo classes there that Nicky attended. The play was set in America on the evening that the Orsen Wells radio play of “The War of the Worlds” was transmitted. The prospect of the end of the world prompted an “all American family” to reveal their secrets to each other. Unfortunately, it took a long time to get there, then the secrets were told (e.g.: I was never in the Eagle Scouts) and that was it. There was no analysis of why it had been a secret or the impact that it might have had on their lives, so it was a bit of a let down. Even though the play wasn’t fantastic it was good to have an evening out.

We have had some enjoyable DVD viewing this week, with The Casual Vacancy, Quirk and Cinderella.

The weather has been spring-like, i.e.: changeable, but Thursday turned out to be really nice and sunny, so I went to Anawhata for a walk. The beach was lovely but the walk back to the car park up the step hill really took it out of me. I haven’t got back into my morning walk routine since getting over my cold and my fitness isn’t what it could be.

Other than that, Nicky has been very busy at the library, I have had another quiet week with little work, and there household routines have needed to be done.

Take care, Rick.


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