A public holiday - at last!

The weather has been a pain this week, giving us rain, wind and storms, especially on Wednesday night, though Nicky slept through it, probably the only person in Auckland who did. As a result, the laundry duties have been a little bit and often so that I could dry things inside. By Friday, things started to improve, I got three loads dried outside and the weekend hasn’t been too bad.

We started the week with a public holiday for Labour Day - the first public holiday of the season. Nicky had invited the family for lunch, and as usual we had an excellent selection of plates brought. It was good to get together again, and even though the weather was dull, everyone seemed to enjoy themselves. Letty Dudding joined us (Pat and Clem kindly transported her) which was a treat as she hadn’t been to one of our family gathering for some years.

A few photos which Nicky took on her iPad:

I have had a couple of Mac jobs this week which has been good, and went into town on Thursday evening for stimulating conversation. I managed a swim on Friday afternoon though the Waitemata was quite choppy. Nicky has been very busy at the library, both with regular duties and getting ready for Harry Potter on Friday. All the efforts paid off as it went well and was enjoyed.

The weather slowly improved yesterday and we had a lovely sunny afternoon. Nicky spent the morning up at church helping with the cleaning, while I got on with the ironing. Steve and Stella came over for Scrabble in the afternoon, and Nicky and I started watching The Brokenwood Mysteries in the evening, which I have recorded. They are Kiwi made gentle murder mysteries -  a better version of Midsommer Murders. Walkworth was used as the main town setting for filming, and it looks very nice on the telly.

Today while Nicky was at church I went out west for a walk and a swim, and then we have just been pottering at home. Three new series start on the tellybox tonight so there will be much viewing and recording in the household.

Take care,



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