Record low in Auckland

It is officially the first day of winter today, and it was clear and sunny and crisp first thing. We didn’t get any cloud coming over until late this afternoon. The early hours of Wednesday recored a low of 2°, the lowest Auckland temperature since 1976. Again, it was a clear sky during the night that also brought us a crisp and gorgeous sunny day. We have had some rain too during the week, but the late autumn sunshine has been lovely.

I have had quite a bit of work this week, and it has meant that May has been a good month in the end. I didn’t have any worked booked on Wednesday so took advantage of the fine weather to go out west exploring. I found a vantage point which gave great views of Karekare and Piha, and then drove on to Anawhata, beach I haven’t been to before. Access is not as easy as some of the others. The 20 minute drive down an unsealed road is followed by a reasonably steep 15 minute walk down to the beach. The walk up to the car park is quite hard work, but the beach is just wonderful. For the hour and a half from parking the car, walking down to the beach, having a stroll and a swim, and walking back again, I didn’t see another sole. It was just so peaceful and refreshing. To celebrate when I got home I did the ironing!


Nicky has had another busy week at work, and had some periods of dizziness towards the end of the week. We took Saturday gently but she recovered through the day. As it was forecast to be the best day of the long weekend (we get Monday off for mine and the Queen’s Birthday’s) we went to Queens Wharf for the “British Cultural Celebrations”. Lots of stalls selling British products; Aston Martin, Bentley, and Waitrose to name just three. Scottish country dancing, pipe bands, Morris Men and Maypole dances along with English “pub games” (though no darts, whist or dominoes). We were thinking of having a “sumptuous high tea”, but the queue was too long so we had bacon butties and soup in the sunshine instead - very nice al fresco lunch.

Nicky went off to church this morning, and I went out to Karekare for a walk and a swim. We have spent the rest of the day pottering round the house, enjoying the warming rays of the sun.

Take care,



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