It hasn’t been our happiest of weeks.

Our week has been dominated by sad news close to home.

On Wednesday morning, Barrie, our next door neighbour, landlord and husband to Dawn, died. He had been very ill with cancer for the last few months and was admitted to the Mercy Hospice on Monday. He is out of pain but will not be out of our memories.

Ros’s mum Jean had a stroke during the week and is giving quite a lot of cause for concern at the moment.

In addition, Jancis returned to the UK with the sad knowledge that NZ immigration won’t issue her with a Permanent Resident’s permit. She called in to say good bye on Monday evening. We won’t be seeing her happy smiling face again until she next returns in December.

Nicky hasn’t been sleeping well so took Friday off as holiday. We went out to Te Henga and O’Neills for a walk in the afternoon. Then on Saturday we dropped the mower into Stella on our way to Parakai to have a wallow in the hot pools for the afternoon. We fancied a change of scenery and it did us good. Today after church Nicky went to a quilting exhibition in Parnell with Stella and Mary Manton (which was excellent apparently), and then was joined by Steve for Scrabbeling later. I went out to Karekare and had a lovely long walk and a couple of swims in glorious but not too hot sunshine.

The rest of the week has been pretty routine. Nicky has been very busy as the library, but the school holidays come to an end tomorrow. I have had some Mac work and been assisted with the laundry by the weather. On Monday I saw a dermatologist at Greenlane who doesn’t think I’m eczmatic so is running tests and changed my medication.

Even though we are now having crisp autumnal mornings, the weather has been great again this week. Next week doesn’t look so good.

Take care,



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