Gradual Improvement

It has been a week of gradual improvement. It started wet and has finished with a glorious sunny weekend. It also started with Nicky being signed off from work with high blood pressure, but when she went back to see the nurse on Wednesday it had come down so she was back to work on Thursday. She has run out of sick leave so took the time off as annual leave, so on Tuesday we went to one of the Icebreaker outlet stores at the airport. Nicky wanted to buy me an orange top (for my birthday) which I had taken a liking to in the Queens Street store. We left with a slightly different orange top, and a pair of shorts and a top for Nicky (the top is in storage for her birthday). Her two days at work were very busy so she was looking forward to the weekend. Just to add a bit more fun to the week, when she popped into the library on Wednesday to tell them she would be back at work on Thursday, while she was standing talking, someone put a box down behind her which she then fell over, straining a muscle in her back. As a result, the massage table has been put to use again.

I have had a couple of Mac jobs this week, and also got a job with the Election Commission for this years election. When I saw the Returning Office that I worked for last time in the supermarket a little while ago, she said applications would be opening soon, so I applied for the Operations Manger post. I had my interview on Wednesday, and was told I had got the job on Thursday. It is 12 week contract for work before and after the election, organising the necessaries in my local electorate. I will also need to do a training course in Wellington - where I have never been before. On Friday night I went to a beer tasting evening which was good, especially the beers brewed by the chap who was taking us through the various offerings which he had brought.

Nicky had a long wait at the Doctors yesterday morning to get some more antibiotics, so we had a very late breakfast. She then made some onion soup before we popped over to Mt Eden to see Ros and Alastair and their mum Jean, who had a stroke last week. R & A came back with us to have the soup for lunch, and the weather was so good we ate on the Rattigan. I have also finally sold Claire and Ryan’s washing machine on TradeMe, and the buyer came to pick it up on Saturday afternoon.

Today was Mother’s Day here, and Claire had sent Nicky a lovely card and a selection of fantastic cheeses. Nicky went off to church and I went off to Karekare for a walk. Nicky was busy making desserts for the upcoming Alpha course at church when I got back (along with scones for us), and had laid the table for lunch on the Rattigan. After lunch she went over to Stella’s for Scrabble. The drama series Broadchurch has started on the TV this evening, and I can see why it got such good reviews in the UK.

Take care,



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