Onwards and Upwards…

It has been a week of change. The house that Stella bought at auction just 2 weeks ago yesterday became officially hers on Wednesday - probably a world record. So, it was all hands on deck (so to speak) helping her with the move.

On Wednesday the removal men brought all their things from storage, and we discovered that some of the bits required to assemble the bunk beds were either missing or broken. Nicky, Paul and Jenny all helped with unloading the van and distributing boxes. Jenny did us an excellent Shepherds Pie for dinner. Stella's bed was organised and she stayed overnight, while Tim & Katie came back to BHB with Nicky and I.

I zipped off to Bunnings on Thursday morning to get the necessaries for the bunk beds, and then went over to Henderson and finished their assembly. Stella and I did a couple of car journeys of stuff from our place and she stayed in Henderson again.

Friday was more car journeys of stuff, with Paul and Jenny taking a load too. Clem came and helped and we got the washing machine in place, and old bed removed, and the dishwasher organised. Tim and Katie went to their new home straight from school and stayed over. Pat and Jenny provided more food, while Nicky and I had fish and chips at home as I didn't feel like cooking. I felt I was starting to come down with something all week and by Friday night it was really taking hold - sore throat and swollen glands.

Yesterday after Nicky had been to see Ruth in hospital, she had a bite of lunch and went over to Stella's to help with more unpacking and play Scrabble. I pottered round at home doing laundry and putting the house back the way we usually have it. Stella's "office" is still here until she gets her internet access sorted. The weather was much sunnier and warmer than we were expecting which helped with the laundry.

Today we have had a quiet day at home, which has been really good. I feel I am starting to improve, though it could just be the paracetamol and not doing as much as yesterday. Two loads of washing emptied the laundry basket (yippie!!) for a few hours, but I haven't made a start on the ironing yet. I did make lemon curd this morning with lemons from Stella's "new" lemon trees, and we went for a stroll to get some air this afternoon.

On the work front, Nicky has been busy at the library, but with the school holidays having finished it has not been quite as hectic. I did a couple of good site visits on Monday and Tuesday, both to new customers and I think more work will follow.

On Tuesday evening Nicky I used a Rialto Cinema gift card which she had won in a Lopdell House competition to go and see "The Audience". I thought is was a film so was surprised when we got to the cinema to be told the tickets were $25 each (as opposed to the usual $16.50) because it was a National Theatre Live production, i.e.: a recored transmission of a stage play. However, Helen Mirren was again wonderful as the Queen, and there were some other excellent performances especially by the actors playing the various Prime Ministers that the Queen has had during her rein. Also, being a play there was an interval, so we were able to pop out and have ice cream. An excellent evening and I can strongly recommend "The Audience" to anyone with a pulse.

The only other event of note to report this week was that I finally upgraded my iPhone to iOS 6 on Saturday. I decided that as iOS 7 is nearly with us and that as my phone won't be able to run it I might as well upgrade to the latest version that it can run. See, my life is just bursting with excitement.

That's all for now, take care,


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