Going, going, gone!

We have had some lovely sunshine this week (though not as warm as the UK from what I hear) which has been cheering for me as again I have no on site work. I did have an interesting meeting which may lead to some work, and did a telephone support call, but that was all. I do have a couple of jobs booked for next week so hopefully things are going to start improving.

Nicky has been as busy as ever at the library, and along with her late night duty on Friday was also in the library on Wednesday evening for "Jamas in the Jungle"

Our biggest news this week is that Stella has bought a house. Paul and Jenny came over on Monday and took her to see a place that Jenny had found on the internet, and on Saturday Stella bought it at auction. It is a really nice brick and tile bungalow in Henderson, with lots of space, mature garden, and close to lots of local amenities. We are all hoping that Stella and co will be very happy there. To celebrate on Saturday evening we had bubbles and take aways (roasts and pizza) followed by three murder mysteries on the tellybox.

Our other news for the week is that my sister and her husband are coming to NZ for a holiday later in the year. It will be their first visit and give them chance to spend some time with their daughter Rachel in the Deep South.

We have done a bit of going out too. I had coffee with Claire on Friday morning then had to pop back home to pick up the lasagne and stuffed mushrooms which I had put on one side for her dinner while at work but forgotten to take with me. I then drove round to Mission Bay to have a paddle and enjoy the winter sun. It was just Stella, Katie and I for dinner and Stella did us proud with bacon and beans, followed by Katie's Victoria sponge cake. 

On Saturday I had a wander round the domain while Nicky was visiting Ruth in hospital. Then we popped round to Bastion Point to have a picnic and watch the kite flying before going off to Henderson for the auction. Steve came back home with us form Scrabble but didn't stay for take aways.

This morning Nicky has been in prison, but we have both taken to our bed for awhile this afternoon as neither of us is feeling particularly well. Sore throats and aching joints. We are cooking pancakes for tea which we will digest in front of the tellybox I expect.

Take care,


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