Blossom and Crumpets

We have had an unremarkable week, though a greater amount of sunshine has been good to see. Some of the temperatures have been so un-seasonably warm we are getting the first signs of blossom.

Most of my week has been taken up with the domestic responsibilities of laundry, ironing, shopping and cooking. I have had some Mac work but not as mush as in recent weeks.

Nicky, however, has been very busy at the library with Matariki. The events which she organised went very well and her boss took her to a Maori Healing workshop which was a nice gesture (and Nicky said was very interesting).

Wednesday was "Come and Go" day. Lucy went back to Wellington and I picked Claire and Ryan up at the airport having enjoyed their South Island holiday. They came over today to show us their photos and it was good to see them (and the photos). Claire has now finished her Open Polytechnic Diploma. She thinks she has done OK and should get her final results by the end of the month.

Nicky and I popped over to see Ruth yesterday, who is starting to look her age. We had a stroll along Kohimarama beach on the way back which was pleasant but cool (it is winter time really).

Today has been quite busy with Pat calling in with food parcels, Claire and Ryan coming over, open homes to visit, Steve over to play Scrabble, and much baking in the kitchen. We had crumpets for tea. Mmmm…..

Take care,


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