
You may have noticed dear reader, that I try to open the blog each week with a bit of a summary, from one perspective or another. I think the best I can manage for this week is warm and busy.

The dry fine weather has broken, with some rain at the beginning of the week and some cooler temperatures. The mozzies have celebrated this by doing the rhumba on me at every opportunity, so I am now counting my bites by the dozen so that I don't run out of fingers (for counting on). The clear skies returned around Thursday, and it has been a lovely weekend. The days now start quite cool and the sun is noticeably lower, but at least we aren't having snow drifts like in the UK at the moment (the snow made the news here last night).

I have had a busy week with Mac work, with jobs on both Monday and Tuesday, and a full and quite stressful day on Friday. On Wednesday I did my census handover. This marks the official end of the work but we may have a de-briefing at some point in the coming weeks. It has taken more time and effort than I expected. I also had another dental appointment on Tuesday for another filling (replacement). I am hoping that this is the end of my dental treatment for awhile as the credit card is creaking under the strain. However, I am very happy with the dentist we have found and will now go back to having regular check-ups. If I spread the cost out over the last five years (because January was the first time I went to a dentist since we got here), it makes the cost look much more reasonable. This just left me with Thursday as a wholly domestic day, so I did loads of washing and shopping and some cooking too.

Nicky has also had a very busy at work, with quite a few members of staff being off ill. On Wednesday Jancis joined us for dinner and went to house group with Nicky. On Thursday evening Nicky went back down to New Lynn after dinner for a talk on the March of the Mannequins. In conjunction with a manufacturer of mannequins and a photographer who has done an exhibition of photographs of mannequins, a number of the shops in New Lynn have done special displays. The Thursday evening event was a guided tour round these displays which Nicky enjoyed very much.

Nicky was back at work on Friday evening for an author talk by Nicky Pellegrino which was very well attended and enjoyable.

We started yesterday morning off with homemade tomatoes on toast on The Ratigan, after Nicky had been up to the Doctors for her 'flu injection. I then trundled of to various suburbs to do some shopping, and met up with Nicky at a Open Home on the other side of the Bay. It was a very nice 3 bed bungalow with split levels and a great main area which we would seriously consider if the right Bonus Bonds cheque arrives in the post in the next week or two. It was also Neighbours Day, so Nicky made scones and invited the folks from number 9 over. They moved in about a year ago but this is the first time they have accepted an invitation for tea and goodies, so it was good to meet Marina and Johno, and their two daughters. Their two sons were busy with friends at home.

Today has been quiet. Nicky isn't sleeping too well at the moment so we are both quite tired. I did the ironing while Nicky was at Church and then having morning tea at The Block café. The Scrabble tiles have also been rattling this afternoon.

Take care,


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