
It has been a funny sort of a week dear reader. I have been busy but not done any work, the weather has not been able to decide what season it wants to be, and the sun and the moon had an alignment issue.

The only paid work I have done this week was a modelling session on Monday night in Hellensville. There was just me a two very nice ladies, who wanted me to be both scrunched up and angular at the same time. I managed to do some poses which they were very pleased with so it ended up being a very good evening, if quiet. I have done a bit of email support and some work on the DIY notes which I post on my website, but that has been it on the Mac front.

Much of my week has been taken up in getting things booked for our trip to the UK next year. If you would like to know further details, please drop one of us an email as I will not be posting them here. Laundry, shopping and cooking has of course punctuated my time.

Claire popped in on Tuesday to deliver me a ream of paper and grab some lunch, and on Wednesday morning we had a partial eclipse of the sun. We had a pretty good view, because even though there was a great deal of cloud around, it was moving quite quickly and made viewing quite easy through the thinner clouds. I was surprised how much the light level dropped with it only being partial coverage.

Nicky has been as busy as ever at work, and at house group on Wednesday evening. She was due to attend a meeting in town on Friday so took the car to work, only to discover the meeting had been cancelled at very short notice. Her reward was a $12 parking ticket, which I think might be our first traffic violation since we got here, which is pretty good going.

The weather was pretty wet yesterday, which was a shame as Thursday and Friday had both had cool starts but warmed up well latter when the sun came out. We just pottered round the house and entertained a few Scrabbelers.

Today dawned sunny and windy after overnight rain, so I decided it was good drying weather and put the washing machine through its paces again. Nicky was in prison this morning, but they let her out so that we could go out for a Hign Tea this afternoon. We had contacted the Vaughn Homestead during the Heritage Festival but they were full booked. However, so many people had called them that they put on some extra dates so we went up top Long Bay this afternoon. After a wander round the homestead, which was built in 1865, we had tea and scones with jam and cream. To work this off we had a wander up and down the beach, so it was a very pleasant afternoon.

Once we got home we made some bruschetta for tea before settling down for an evening in front of the tellybox.

Take care,


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