Bluetooth to the rescue

I have had a bit of a technology week this week. Well, it was a technology day on Wednesday really, but I have been working up to it. My trusty white keyboard which I have since I don't know when, started to develop the odd slightly sticky key quite some time back. The very nice new wireless keyboard that Nicky bought to use with her iPad was just sitting on the shelf, as now she has got more used to the iPad's on-screen keyboard she doesn't use the wireless one. So, the obvious solution was for me to use the wireless one on my Mac mini. The problem was that my Mac mini doesn't have bluetooth (it added quite a bit to the price when I bought it), and because everything now has bluetooth, USB bluetooth adaptors are as rare as hens teeth. Then on Wednesday, when I met up with Claire to do some fathers day present shopping, we decided we need coffee and free muffins first, she reminded me that we got a USB bluetooth adaptor with her PhotoSmart printer. It might be worth trying that, which I did later in the day, and hey presto!!!! it worked. So now dear reader, I am typing this on a very nice new wireless keyboard, which has a lovely action,as any of you who use Apple's current range of keyboards will know.

But that was only the first success of the day. When we went to see the audiologist last week, one of the sets of hearings aids which she quoted for has bluetooth capability. For an additional $700 we could have a bluetooth adaptor for the TV which would transmit the audio signal directly to the hearing aid. I thought this was a brilliant idea, but didn't like the cost. So, based on the fact that Nicky has bluetooth earbuds which she uses with her iPad, I wondered if I could get a gizmo to attach to the TV that would work with those. Some time on the internet revealed that there were devices available to transmit the audio from a PC to speakers, but nothing obviously for TV to earbuds. Armed with a healthy dose of scepticism I called in our our local JayCar store (like Maplins in the UK), and had a chat to one of the staff. He showed me a couple of devices which while not specifically designed to do what I wanted, might do the job. So, I bought a bluetooth transmitter and suitable adaptor cable, total cost of $36, with a view of nothing ventured nothing gained. Once I had access to Nicky's earbuds in the evening, I connected things up, pressed buttons and watched flashing lights, and then was able to hear the TV through the earbuds!! So, now we know we can do it with technology which we already have, it gives us a bit more flexibility on the hearing aid decision.

The rest of the week hasn't been quite as exiting, but with yesterday being the 1st of September, spring officially started, according to the calendar at least. To be truthful, the weather is actually playing it's part and is warming and drying on the whole, though the the last couple of evenings have been on the cooler side.

Nicky has had an exhausting week at work. The library has been closed all week for replacement of the shelving, so there has been a great deal of book moving and shelf re-arranging. In addition, she has still has other tasks to complete which it has not been possible to do so she finished the week quite stressed, and as a result has not slept well over the weekend. On the up side, she went to prison prayer group on Monday night and Ranui quilters yesterday and both went well.

I had some Mac jobs on both Monday and Tuesday which has made August a reasonable month, but only by current standards. On Monday I did a completely home-made lasagne, no bought pasta or sauce, and it turned out pretty well. On Friday I produced a leek, onion and tomato flan in wholemeal pastry for Nicky to take to quilters for her lunch contribution as she hadn't had time to do anything, and that turned out better that I expected when I was putting it together.

The routine of laundry has continued as ever this week. I picked up the replacement iron on Tuesday but didn't start running it in until Thursday, but which time there was quite a pile to work through.

I has also noticed that since wallowing on the hot pools last Saturday I had been feeling that my recovery from the lurgy had taken a step in the right direction. I feel that more of my usual energy levels are returning. I also was "discharged" by the dermatologist on Wednesday morning, and with him saying I could resume my "normal" lifestyle, just using the prescribed ointment as necessary, I went for a steam and a sauna on Thursday afternoon. He also said that exposing my skin to sunshine and fresh air would probably helpful and I said that wouldn't be a problem.

Today has been Fathers Day here (Claire contributed to a new pair of sunglasses which I needed), and invited me to join her and Ryan at the cinema this evening to see Total Recall. I had a treat for breakfast as Nicky made us pikelets, which we had with maple syrup and lemon curd. She then went off to church and Scrabbled this afternoon while I put some posters together for her for work.

Finally, Wednesday was also significant in that it was five years to the day that we left England and flew to Washington.

I think that's all, and probably enough, for now.

Take care,


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