Halfway through the year

So as another week draws to a close down here in Godzone, it is time for me to report on our happenings for the week. It really is a very nice place you know. Those of you who haven't been should come for a visit for awhile.

Well, that's my plug for 100% New Zealand done, onto the news for the week. Nothing all that exiting actually. Nicky has been hard at work at the library all week, I have had some Mac every day this week apart from Tuesday, and the weather has been a mixture of sunshine and showers. The weekend has been fine but cooler. We have had our coldest night so far on Friday night, 3°, and we could really feel the difference on Saturday morning.

On Monday evening Nicky had a mid-winter works do at Mosaic, just across the road from the library. It went well and seemed to be enjoyed by all. On Wednesday afternoon she went to a hospice with June, our neighbour from Matata Street, and had a ride home in a 45 year old limousine, before going on to life group.

I went to the cinema with Claire and Ryan on Wednesday evening to see Prometheus, the prequel to Alien. It was pretty good. My feet had recovered from my sand fly bites by Thursday morning, so I did my usual morning walking again on Thursday and Friday, and again today with having missed out earlier in the week.

Yesterday we had a quiet day at home, just pottering around and doing the laundry. We even had time to sit in the sun on the sofa together which we haven't done for ages. Our weekends feel to have been quite busy recently so it was good to have some time to relax. We finished off with a wallow in the hot pools at Parakai in the evening which have missed out on for the last couple of months.

Today Nicky has been to church, and baked, and played Scrabble. I did some laundry this morning and then went of for a photo shoot in Grey Lynn, where I was joined by six others to do some group shots for an artist (Christian Nicolson) who is working on the stigma of nudity. We mainly stood around, naked, conversing as if we were in an art gallery. It was an interesting experience and we had some very good conversations.

That's all for now.
Take care,

PS: It was good to be knocked out on penalties by a different team this time :)


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