A chilly week

Winter has made its' presence felt this week with our coldest temperatures of the year so far. It has been down to 3° a couple of nights due to the clear skies, but those same skies have of course given us some lovely sunny days. Getting out of the chilly southerly wind into a sun trap has been wonderful. We have had some rain too, just for variety.

Nicky has had another full week at work, and I have done a couple of Mac jobs. One of these was just down the road from Claire so I popped in for a quick visit (twice actually).

The quilting group which Nicky got involved with when she worked in Ranui were holding an exhibition this weekend. She took a couple of quillos over on Friday morning before going to work (she was starting late with doing a late night duty), and then went back again on Saturday to help "man" (or woman) the event.

The weather has been good all weekend so much laundry has been washed an ironed. Today Nicky was in prison this morning and then baking for Alpha this afternoon.

So, nothing exciting has happened, just another week really.

Take care,


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